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Found 7388 assessments.
Species or taxon Common Names Year Assessed Countries Publication Criteria system More info
Aonyx capensis hildei | (Thomas, 1905) African Clawless Otter 2016 Uganda Nationally Threatened Species for Uganda IUCN Vulnerable
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Aonyx cinerea | (Illiger, 1815) Asian Small-clawed Otter 2011 Nepal The Status of Nepal's Mammals: The National Red List Series IUCN Data Deficient
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Aonyx cinerea | (Illiger, 1815) 2015 China Red List of China's Vertebrates IUCN Endangered
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Aonyx cinerea | (Illiger, 1815) Oriental Small-clawed Otter, Asian Small-clawed Otter, Small-clawed Otter, Dhaira Uud, Uud Biral, Bhodar 2015 Bangladesh Red List of Bangladesh Volume 2: Mammals IUCN Endangered
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Aonyx congica | Lonnberg, 1910 Congo Clawless Otter 2016 Uganda Nationally Threatened Species for Uganda IUCN Data Deficient
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Aotus azarae | (Humboldt, 1812) Mono de noche, caí pyhare, mirikina 2012 Argentina Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina IUCN Least Concern
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Aotus azarae azarae | (Humboldt, 1811) macaco-da-noite 2014 Brazil Lista de especies ameacadas 2014 IUCN Data Deficient
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Aotus brumbacki | Hershkovitz, 1983 2006 Colombia Libro Rojo de los mamiferos de Colombia IUCN Vulnerable
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Aotus griseimembra | Spanish: Mico de Noche Andino 2006 Colombia Libro Rojo de los mamiferos de Colombia IUCN Vulnerable
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Aotus lemurinus | (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1843) Spanish: Mico de Noche Chocoano 2006 Colombia Libro Rojo de los mamiferos de Colombia IUCN Vulnerable
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Aotus lemurinus | (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1843) Spanish: Mono de noche del occidente; English: Caribbean night monkey 2008 Venezuela Libro Rojo de la Fauna Venezolana. Tercera Edición IUCN Vulnerable
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Aotus lemurinus | I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1843 2011 Ecuador Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos del Ecuador IUCN Vulnerable
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Aotus lemurinus | (I. Geoffroy, 1843) Mono de noche occidental 2015 Venezuela Libro Rojo de la Fauna Venezolana IUCN Vulnerable
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Aotus miconax | mono nocturno 2004 Peru Categorización de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna Silvestre IUCN Endangered
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Aotus zonalis | Spanish: Mico de Noche Andino 2006 Colombia Libro Rojo de los mamiferos de Colombia IUCN Vulnerable
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Aplodontia rufa | Rafinesque, 1817 Mountain Beaver (English), Castor de montagne (Français) 2001 Canada COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2001) Modified_IUCN Special Concern; Préoccupante
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Apodemus agrarius | Pallas, 1771 Striped fi eld mouse (English), heeriinhulgana or angisny galai (Mongolian) 2006 Mongolia Mongolian Red List of Mammals IUCN Data Deficient
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2012 Japan The 4th Japanese Red Data Book Modified_IUCN Critically Endangered
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2013 Italy Lista Rossa Dei Vertebrati Italiani IUCN Least Concern
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2003 Germany (Bayern) Rote Liste gefährdeter Säugetiere (Mammalia) Bayerns Non-IUCN Extremely rare or restricted (Extrem selten oder geografische Restriktion)
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2015 China Red List of China's Vertebrates IUCN Least Concern
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2008 Estonia Eesti Punane Raamat IUCN Least Concern
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2005 Austria Rote Listen gefährdeter Tiere österreichs. Checklisten, Gefährdungsanalysen, Handlungsbedarf. Teil 1: Säugetiere, Vögel, Heuschrecken, Wasserkäfer, Netzflügler, Schnabelfliegen, Tagfalter Modified_IUCN Not Evaluated
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2013 Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia & Herzegovina) Crvena Lista Faune Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine IUCN Least Concern
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Apodemus agrarius | (Pallas, 1771) 2011 Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Rote Liste der gefährdeten Pflanzen, Pilze und Tiere in Nordrhein-Westfalen Non-IUCN Not threatened (Ungefährdet)
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