
Here, we list resources relevant to developing National Red Lists. Please also see our Webinars page which holds the Reverse the Red Webinar Series on National Red Lists. We endeavour to keep this section as relevant as possible. If you know of helpful resources not yet listed below, please get in touch at [email protected]


Guidelines for Establishing a National Red List Programme

(In prep by the National Red List Working Group of the IUCN SSC Red List Committee - due in 2024)

The finalised version of this step-by-step document will be made available in English, Spanish and French in 2024. If you can't wait for the published document for guidance, you can watch a dedicated episode by working group representatives within the Reverse the Red Webinar Series here.


General information on National Red Lists

Project planning

The Conservation Project Manual (the Conservation Leadership Programme’s guide to project planning – in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Tibetan)


A catalogue of funding sources compiled by the CBD:

Belgian GTI Focal Point compiled funding sources for taxonomy and biodiversity:

International Fundraising for Conservation Projects (the Conservation Leadership Programme’s step-by-step guide to fundraising – in English, Spanish, French)

The assessment process

The Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (CAMP) approach

Scratchpad (online virtual research environment for biodiversity)

sRedList: an online platform to prepare Red List assessments (e.g. create range maps, calculate area of occupancy, estimate forest loss etc). The platform is available here and video tutorials via their YouTube channel can be seen here.

Red Listing

2001 IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (v. 3.1) in EnglishFrench and Spanish. For additional translations, check the IUCN Red List website here.

Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria in English.

IUCN Red List Criteria Summary Sheet in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

Guidelines for the application of IUCN Red List criteria at regional and national levels in EnglishFrench and Spanish. For additional translations, check the IUCN Red List website here.

Red List training

IUCN-led Red List assessor training courses and training materials

Online training course in carrying out Red List assessments to IUCN standards

Species distribution mapping

IUCN spatial resources: IUCN Toolbox for species distribution mapping in ArcMap (plus instructions to produce maps to IUCN standards), basedata and guidance on species mapping using Google Maps and Google Earth.

IUCN species mapping wiki: a one-stop shop for species mapping tools for the IUCN Red List.

Open access Geographic Information Systems: QGIS (Quantum GIS)

Data storage and sharing

IUCN Species Information Service (SIS): Tools and guidance documents

Template spreadsheet for data upload onto the National Red List website in English can be downloaded from the bottom of the Contribute your data page.

Red List Index

IUCN Red List Index – Guidance for National and Regional Use (in English)

IUCN Red List Index Guidelines for the Sampled Approach (in English)

Red List Index calculator, downloadable from the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership website and the IUCN Red List website

Information about the Red List Index (Sampled Approach) from the Zoological Society of London