Please note, this National Red List website contains a subset of data whilst we transition to national focal point driven data uploads. We thank you for your patience with this and welcome national contributors to get in touch to update their national dataset. Terms of Use including citation guidance are found here.

The previous dataset is available via: This site is no longer updated but can help with most enquiries whilst we focus on redevelopment.

Sharing your data with the National Red List Project

The National Red List Project set out to create a 'one-stop-shop' for all things national red list. One of the core elements is the National Red List Database (NRLD) which hosts species conservation assessment data applied at sub-global levels. These include sub-national (e.g. an administrative subdivision or area within a country), national (at country level, within political borders) or regional (e.g. multiple countries or at biogeographical scale). Please note that IUCN coordinated Regional assessment projects (e.g. Europe) are hosted directly on the IUCN Red List website and are not replicated within this dataset and the IUCN is not responsible for this website.


Becoming a data contributor

The National Red List Project is committed to towards developing a framework whereby national entities can independently curate and update their data within the National Red List Database. Your patience is sincerely valued as we navigate through this transitional phase, collaborating with partners and national entities to refine the data uploader function. We are actively pursuing additional resources to expedite the development process for a dedicated national uploader tool and to ensure a robust platform for all and welcome suggestions.

If you are interested in sharing data, you will need to join or create a Data Stewardship Group. Please complete and return the Data Sharing Agreement Form (v.2024.1) available for download at the bottom of this page. It will help us set up a Data Stewardship Group (it can be an institution, government agency etc) which you can apply to join and manage data submissions through. The document specifies the Data Agreement which states that you have the permissions to share this data and agree with its usage on the NRL website. Please also check out the page on the Terms of Use  for more details, as you will need to agree with these terms too.

Data Agreement: "I confirm that I am the owner of all data being submitted and in submitting these data I agree to the Terms of Use. If these include plant data, I consent to them being included within the ThreatSearch database hosted by Botanic Garden Conservation International (BGCI). I consent that I may be contacted in relation to data validation purposes."


Data standards

Whilst we strive to host an inclusive database encompassing all forms of sub-global extinction risk assessments, we have developed data standards to encourage consistency and support interoperability and integration of diverse systems. Therefore, each species assessment is strongly encouraged to have the following:

  • Taxonomic information for the species assessed. A species scientific name (include the infrarank or subpopulation name should that apply) and ideally the species taxonomic authority or, national taxon ID
  • Specifics of the assessment criteria system used to assess the species
  • The country (or the locality details if at subnational level) for which this assessment applies to 
  • The species assessment status
  • The year of the species assessment
  • Details/citation of the source publication for the provenance of the assessment

If these essential data are not available, then we are unable to accommodate the assessment at this time.


Uploading the data

We are working with national entities on the development of a data uploader function. Whilst this is being trialled, we recommend the uploading data using our Excel spreadsheet template (v.2024.4).

The spreadsheet second tab includes a list of the data fields and descriptions to help with inputting your data as well as which fields are essential for submission. The third tab has an example uploader form format with all the help fields included. Please allow some time for data checks and matching up with the NRLD fields. 

Once you have transferred your data into the uploader excel file, we recommend some final data checks in case of transcription errors. Please save your data file in .csv format, and include the date, the location name (country or region) in the file name. An example format would be; MMYY_Firstname_Lastname_country.csv

We are working on an updated guidance document and walkthrough to support data contributors - watch this space!

To submit your data, please log into your account and select which Data Stewardship Group you would like to upload it to. Please follow the instructions on the screen to validate your data and submit for validation. We cannot accept and host data without written confirmation that you agree to the Terms of Use and the Data Contributor Agreement. 

Thank you for your submission! 

We are working on a Help section with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) included for common trouble shooting tips.


Resources to download