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Found 7388 assessments.
Species or taxon Common Names Year Assessed Countries Publication Criteria system More info
Ammomanes cinctura | (Gould, 1839) 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Birds IUCN Critically Endangered
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Ammomanes deserti | (Lichtenstein, 1823) 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Birds IUCN Least Concern
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Ammoperdix heyi | (Temminck, 1825) 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Birds IUCN Near Threatened
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Amorphochilus schnablii | Peters, 1877 2011 Ecuador Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos del Ecuador IUCN Endangered
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Amorphochilus schnablii | murciélago 2004 Peru Categorización de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna Silvestre IUCN Vulnerable
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Anabasis setifera | Moq. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Anas acuta | Linnaeus, 1758 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Birds IUCN Endangered
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Anas crecca | Linnaeus, 1758 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Birds IUCN Least Concern
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Anas platyrhynchos | Linnaeus, 1758 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Birds IUCN Least Concern
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Anastatica hierochuntica | L. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Anathana ellioti | Waterhouse, 1850 Madras Tree Shrew, South Indian Tree Shrew­ 2005 India Status of South Asian Non-volant Small Mammals: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report IUCN Near Threatened
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Anchusa aegyptiaca | (L.) A.DC. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Andalgalomys olrogi | Williams and Mares, 1978 Laucha colilarga gris 2012 Argentina Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina IUCN Vulnerable
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Andalgalomys roigi | laucha colilarga de Roig 2000 Argentina Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina IUCN Vulnerable
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Andinomys edax | Thomas, 1902 2012 Argentina Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina IUCN Least Concern
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Andrachne aspera | Spreng. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Andrachne telephioides | L. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Anodontostoma chacunda | (Hamilton, 1822) 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Marine Species: Reef-building corals, cartilaginous fishes and select bony fishes IUCN Least Concern
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Anomalurus beecrofti | Fraser, 1853 2016 Uganda Nationally Threatened Species for Uganda IUCN Near Threatened
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Anomalurus derbianus | (Gray, 1842) 2016 Uganda Nationally Threatened Species for Uganda IUCN Least Concern
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Anomastraea irregularis | Marenzeller, 1901 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Marine Species: Reef-building corals, cartilaginous fishes and select bony fishes IUCN Vulnerable
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Anotomys leander | Thomas, 1906 2011 Ecuador Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos del Ecuador IUCN Vulnerable
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Anoura caudifer | (E. Geoffroy, 1818) Murcielaguito hocicudo 2012 Argentina Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina IUCN Vulnerable
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Anoura cultrata | Handley, 1960 2009 Bolivia Libro rojo de la fauna silvestre de vertebrados de Bolivia IUCN Vulnerable
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Anoura cultrata | Handley, 1960 2011 Ecuador Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos del Ecuador IUCN Near Threatened
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