Pomadasys stridens | UAE National Red List of Marine Species: Reef-building corals, cartilaginous fishes and select bony fishes

Pomadasys stridens | (Forsskål, 1775)
Countries in Assessment
United Arab Emirates
Country ISO code(s)
Does the assessment cover a marine EEZ area(s)?
Scope (Assessment)
Taxonomic Group
Taxonomic Group Level 2
Assessed taxon level
Taxon distribution as listed in assessment
This species occurs throughout UAE waters. Globally, it is restricted to the Western Indian Ocean where it occurs from South Africa to Mozambique (McKay 1984) and the Red Sea to the Arabian Gulf (B. Russell, K. Carpenter and Y. Iwatsuki pers. comm. 2013), Pakistan (Psomadakis et al. 2015) and questionably in western India (Smith and McKay 1986, Iwatsuki et al. 1995). Its depth range is 0-68 m.
Habitats and Ecology
Ecological system type
Terrestrial system
Freshwater system
Marine system
Habitat details as listed in assessment
This speciesinhabits soft bottoms in coastal waters (Carpenter et al. 1997b), including estuaries (Kamrani et al. 2016). Its maximum total length is 21 cm (Safi et al. 2014). In Iran, the mean total length at first sexual maturity is 19.84 cm (Vahabnezhad et al. 2018).
Is there a map available in assessment?
Assessed status
Asessment status in full
Data deficient
Assessment status abreviation
Assessment rationale/justification
This inshore, marine and estuarine species occurs throughout UAE waters. It is apparently less common in the Arabian Gulf, than on the eastern coast. Its occurrence in fish markets has apparently declined over time on the eastern coast. It can be impacted by estuarine degradation (e.g., Egypt). Based on the uncertainty from impacts on estuarine degradation/pollution and the possibility for overfishing on the eastern coast, it is listed as Data Deficient in the UAE. Improvements in fisheries monitoring are needed.
About the assessment
Assessment year
Assessors/contributors/reviewers listed
UAE National Red List Workshop
Affliation of assessor(s)/contributors/reviewers listed on assessment
Assessor affiliation specific
Criteria system
Criteria system specifics
IUCN v3.1 + Regional Guidelines v4.0
Criteria system used
Criteria Citation
IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1, Second edition. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. iv + 32pp pp. And IUCN. 2012. Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels: Version 4.0. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iii + 41pp.
Endemic to region
Endemism Notes
Is an endemic?: Not_assigned
Threats listed in assessment
Overfishing is a potential major threat. The inshore habitats, including estuaries, that this species is dependent on have experienced large-scale degradation in the UAE and surrounding areas. It is susceptible to deformities caused by adverse environmental conditions according to a study conducted off Iran (Alavi-Yeganeh et al. 2019).
Conservation Measures

Conservation measures:
Conservation measures notes:
Required conservation measures:

Scientific Name Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus
Pomadasys stridens Animalia Chordata Actinopterygii Perciformes Haemulidae Pomadasys