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Found 779 assessments.
Species or taxon Common Names Year Assessed Countries Publication Criteria system More info
Myotis capaccinii | (Bonaparte, 1837) 2011 Bulgaria Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria IUCN Vulnerable
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Myotis capaccinii | (Bonaparte, 1837) 2009 France (continental) La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France 2009 IUCN Vulnerable
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Myotis capaccinii | (Bonaparte, 1837) 2005 Austria Rote Listen gefährdeter Tiere österreichs. Checklisten, Gefährdungsanalysen, Handlungsbedarf. Teil 1: Säugetiere, Vögel, Heuschrecken, Wasserkäfer, Netzflügler, Schnabelfliegen, Tagfalter Modified_IUCN Not Evaluated
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Myotis capaccinii | (Binaparte, 1837) 2013 Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia & Herzegovina) Crvena Lista Faune Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine IUCN Vulnerable
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Myotis chiloensis | (Waterhouse, 1840) 2012 Argentina Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina IUCN Least Concern
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Myotis chinensis | (Tomes, 1857) 2015 China Red List of China's Vertebrates IUCN Near Threatened
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Myotis csorbai | Topál, 1997 2011 Nepal The Status of Nepal's Mammals: The National Red List Series IUCN Critically Endangered
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2007 Croatia Crvena knjiga sisavaca Hrvatske IUCN Data Deficient
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2003 Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary Carpathian List of Endangered Species IUCN Endangered
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Myotis dasycneme | (Eversmann, 1845) 2008 Estonia Eesti Punane Raamat IUCN Near Threatened
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2005 Sweden Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2005 IUCN Endangered
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2014 Belgium (Flanders) De IUCN Rode Lijst van de zoogdieren in Vlaanderen IUCN Endangered
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Myotis dasycneme | Boie, 1825 Murin des marais 2009 France (mainland and Corsica) La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France - Chapitre Mammifères de France métropolitaine IUCN Not Applicable
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2010 Sweden Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2010 IUCN Endangered
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2013 Italy Lista Rossa Dei Vertebrati Italiani IUCN Not Applicable
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2009 France (continental) La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France 2009 IUCN Not Applicable
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 1998 Germany Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere Deutschlands Non-IUCN Possibly endangered (Gefährdung anzunehmen)
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2015 China Red List of China's Vertebrates IUCN Least Concern
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2003 Czech Republic ?ervený seznam ohrožených druhž ?eské republiky: Obratlovci IUCN Critically Endangered
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2007 Lithuania Lietuvos Raudonoji knyga Modified_IUCN Vulnerable
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2011 Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Rote Liste der gefährdeten Pflanzen, Pilze und Tiere in Nordrhein-Westfalen Non-IUCN Threatened status assumed (Gefährdung unbekannten Ausmaßes)
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Myotis dasycneme | (Boie, 1825) 2005 Germany (Berlin) Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Säugetiere (Mammalia) von Berlin Non-IUCN Not assessed (Nicht einstufbar)
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Myotis daubentonii | (Kuhl, 1819) Daubenton's bat (English), ussagbagvaahai (Mongolian) 2006 Mongolia Mongolian Red List of Mammals IUCN Least Concern
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Myotis daubentonii | Kuhl, 1817 Murin de Daubenton 2009 France (mainland and Corsica) La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France - Chapitre Mammifères de France métropolitaine IUCN Least Concern
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Myotis daubentonii | (Kuhl, 1819) 2003 Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary Carpathian List of Endangered Species IUCN Vulnerable
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