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NRLD - 329864 | Carcharhinus leiodon

Assessment ID
Taxon name
Carcharhinus leiodon
Garrick, 1985
Uploaded by
National Red List Database
Taxonomic information
Scientific name
Carcharhinus leiodon
Garrick, 1985
Assessed taxon level
Higher level taxonomic groupings
Species authority
Garrick, 1985
Location and scope
Specific locality or subnational name or regional name
United Arab Emirates (the)
Scope (of the Assessment)
Countries included within the scope of the assessment
United Arab Emirates (the)
Country ISO code(s)
Does the assessment cover a marine EEZ area(s)?
Conservation Status
Assessed as
Abbreviated status
Qualifying criteria (if given)
Criteria system used

(see Assessment details)

Assessment rationale/justification
The Smoothtooth Blacktip Shark occurs throughout UAE inshore waters and is endemic to the Arabian Sea region. Little specific data are available for this species in the UAE. On the global-level, a limited number of specimens have been reported, in part due to probable confusion with other very similar and more common Carcharhinus species. Although there are limited data on its status, other Carcharhinus species in the Arabian Gulf have undergone significant declines due to exploitation. It has a relatively low reproductive capacity, which causes it to be susceptible to over-exploitation. It is apparently highly migratory, and has slow life history characteristics including low fecundity and a low annual rate of population increase. Considering this, the species has a low capacity to recover from even moderate levels of exploitation. It is especially susceptible to exploitation (target and bycatch) in many largely unregulated gill net, longline and trawl fisheries that operate within its range outside and surrounding UAE waters. Some management measures are now in place in the Arabian Sea region, although domestic fisheries are likely to continue. Though data specifically from the UAE are not available, individuals in the UAE are a component of a larger, interconnected and migratory population that occurs broadly in the north-western Indian Ocean. It is inferred that declines reported in the Arabian Sea region are representative of its status in the UAE. Based on recorded levels of exploitation and decline in habitat quality, it is suspected to have declined by 50-80% over the past three generation lengths, or about 25 years. It is listed as Endangered A2cd.
Assessment details
Year assessed
Assessors/contributors/reviewers listed
UAE National Red List Workshop
Criteria system used
Reference for methods given
IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1, Second edition. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. iv + 32pp pp. And IUCN. 2012. Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels: Version 4.0. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iii + 41pp.
Further information
Endemism (according to assessment)
Endemic to region
Endemism Notes
Endemism Notes
Endemic to the Arabian Sea region
Taxon distribution as listed in assessment
The Smoothtooth Blacktip Shark occurs throughout UAE waters. Globally, it is restricted to the Arabian Sea region from the Arabian Gulf, the Sea of Oman to Yemen.
Is there a map available in assessment?
Habitat and systems
Ecological system type
Habitat details as listed in assessment
This species occurs in coastal waters on continental and insular shelves. Its maximum size is 165 cm total length (TL) (Weigmann 2016). Females are mature by at least 131 cm TL and demonstrate placental viviparity with litters of 4-6 embryos. In the northwestern Gulf, there is evidence that parturition occurs in spring when embryos are 35-51 cm TL. Further records of the Smoothtooth Blacktip Shark from the western Arabian Sea indicate that adults are present in this region throughout the year.No ageing data are available for the Smoothtooth Blacktip Shark. Generation length is estimated to be 8.25 years based on the Spottail Shark from Australia, which has a similar maximum size. The Spottail Shark matures at 2-3 years and reaches a maximum age of 14 years (Davenport and Stevens 1988).
Threats and conservation measures listed
Threats listed in assessment
Information pertaining to threats specific to the UAE are unavailable. This species is impacted by target (for fins and their valuable meat) and bycatch fisheries that are active elsewhere in its range. Marine habitats in the region have experienced high levels of disturbance and are quickly deteriorating due to major impacts from development activities (Sheppard et al. 2010). One of the known centres of abundance around Kuwait is also subject to habitat degradation (Moore et al. 2013) and the species was recently found to harbor high levels of mercury there (Moore et al. 2015).
Ralph, G.M., Stump, E., Linardich, C., Bullock, R.W., Carpenter, K.E., Allen D.J., Hilton-Taylor, C., Al Mheiri, R., and Alshamsi, O. 2021. UAE National Red List of Marine Species: Reef-building corals, cartilaginous fishes and select bony fishes. 2021. Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.