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NRLD - 330212 | Rumex limoniastrum

Assessment ID
Taxon name
Rumex limoniastrum
Jaub. & Spach
Uploaded by
National Red List Database
Taxonomic information
Scientific name
Rumex limoniastrum
Jaub. & Spach
Assessed taxon level
Higher level taxonomic groupings
Flowering Plants
Species authority
Jaub. & Spach
Taxonomic notes and synonyms listed
Described from the type collection on Jabal Al Akhdar (Oman) in 1844 and in Oman not collected since. It is closely related to R. nervosus Vahl and may prove to be conspecific (Miller and Cope 1996). More collections are required to confirm its taxonomic position. Until then the status of this species remains doubtful.
Location and scope
Specific locality or subnational name or regional name
United Arab Emirates (the)
Scope (of the Assessment)
Countries included within the scope of the assessment
United Arab Emirates (the)
Country ISO code(s)
Does the assessment cover a marine EEZ area(s)?
Conservation Status
Assessed as
Abbreviated status
Qualifying criteria (if given)
Criteria system used

(see Assessment details)

Assessment rationale/justification
This species is near-endemic to the UAE, with a global distribution restricted to the Hajar Mountain chain in the UAE and Oman. In the UAE, it is found in the Hajar Mountains, where it is known from four locations. Two specimens are known from the Wadi Wurayah National park (WWNP) area: a historical record from the upper Wadi Siji in the WWNP buffer zone, and one from the upper Wadi Zikt (Feulner 2016). <a href="""">RBGE Herbarium</a> hold one specimen from five kilometers southeast of Masafi, below Jebel Masafi. A further record is known from Wadi Hatta and Jebel Hatta. Both the EOO (&lt;100 km<sup>2</sup>) and the AOO (&lt;100 km<sup>2</sup>) are highly restricted. Grazing by livestock and feral animals (donkeys, goats) is likely to impact the species and its habitat, and the number of mature individuals is suspected to be fewer than 1,000. The species is assessed as Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)) as a result of its restricted extent of occurrence (AOO) and area of occupancy (AOO). No rescue effect is applied.
Assessment details
Year assessed
Assessors/contributors/reviewers listed
UAE National Red List Workshop
Criteria system used
Reference for methods given
IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1, Second edition. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. iv + 32pp pp. And IUCN. 2012. Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels: Version 4.0. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iii + 41pp.
Further information
Endemism (according to assessment)
Endemic to region
Near endemic
Endemism Notes
Endemism Notes
This species is near-endemic to the UAE
Taxon distribution as listed in assessment
In the UAE, this species is found in the Hajar Mountains, where G.R. Feulner (in litt, MEW 2010) reports it from a small number of records, although Feulner (2016) considered it to be widespread in the mountains but very rare. Two specimens are known from the Wadi Wurayah National Park (WWNP) area: a historical record from the upper Wadi Siji in the WWNP buffer zone, and one from the upper Wadi Zikt (Feulner 2016). <a href="""">RBGE Herbarium</a> hold one specimen from five kilometres southeast of Masafi, below Jebel Masafi. A further record is known from Wadi Hatta and Jebel Hatta. Both the EOO (&lt;310 km<sup>2</sup>) and the AOO (&lt;100 km<sup>2</sup>) are highly restricted.This species is restricted to northern Oman and the UAE. In Oman, it is found in the Jabal Al Akhdar range of the Western and Eastern Hajar Mountains, including from Hatta southwards to Wadi Jizzi (G.R. Feulner in litt, MEW 2010).
Is there a map available in assessment?
Habitat and systems
Ecological system type
Habitat details as listed in assessment
An erect to semi-pendant small shrub, typically found on ledges, walls or other sites protected from browsing (Feulner 2016), but also found on wadi floors, for example, after rains. The seed may be wind-dispersed, but within short distances (D. Aplin pers. comm. 2019) and also to some degree through consumption by animals.
Threats and conservation measures listed
Threats listed in assessment
Grazing by livestock and feral animals (donkeys, goats) is likely to impact the species and its habitat.
The same situation is assumed.
Allen, D.J., Westrip, J.R.S., Puttick, A., Harding, K.A., Hilton-Taylor, C. and Ali, H. 2021. UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants. Technical Report. Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, United Arab Emirates, Dubai.