Please note, this National Red List website contains a subset of data whilst we transition to national focal point driven data uploads. We thank you for your patience with this and welcome national contributors to get in touch to update their national dataset. Terms of Use including citation guidance are found here.

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Displaying 7281 - 7290 of 8386
Species or Taxon Common Names Year Assessed Sort ascending Countries (ISO) Locality Publication Criteria system Status Publication citation More info
Vulpes rueppellii (Schinz, 1825) English: Sand Fox 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Endangered
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Vulpes cana Blanford, 1877 English: Blanford's Fox 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Endangered
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758) English: Eurasian Badger 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Least Concern
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Mellivora capensis (Schreber, 1776) English: Ratel 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Endangered
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Vormela peregusna (Gnldenstädt, 1770) English: Marbled Polecat 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Vulnerable
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Martes foina (Erxleben, 1777) English: Beech Marten 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Least Concern
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Lutra lutra Lataste, 1885 English: Eurasian Otter 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Critically Endangered
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Herpestes ichneumon Bocage, 1890 English: Egyptian Mongoose 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Least Concern
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Genetta genetta F. G. Cuvier, 1825 English: Small-Spotted Genet 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Data Deficient
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info
Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus, 1758) English: Striped Hyena 2004 Israel Israel The Red Book : vertebrates in Israel IUCN Endangered
Dolev, A. and A. Perevolotsky. 2004. The Red Book: Vertebrates in Israel, INPA and SPNI, Jerusalem. 318pp. More info