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Displaying 7531 - 7540 of 8386
Species or Taxon Common Names Year Assessed Sort ascending Countries (ISO) Locality Publication Criteria system Status Publication citation More info
Balaenoptera borealis Lesson, 1828 Sei Whale (English), Rorqual boréal (Français) 2003 Canada Canada COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2003) Modified IUCN Threatened; Menacée
COSEWIC. 2003. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: More info
Eubalaena glacialis Müller, 1776 North Atlantic Right Whale (English), Baleine noire de l'Atlantique Nord (Français) 2003 Canada Canada COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2003) Modified IUCN Endangered; En voie de disparition
COSEWIC. 2003. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: More info
Megaptera novaeangliae Borowski, 1781 Humpback Whale (English), Rorqual à bosse (Français) 2003 Canada Canada COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2003) Modified IUCN Threatened; Menacée
COSEWIC. 2003. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: More info
Myotis keenii Merriam, 1895 Keen's Long-eared Bat (English), Chauve-souris de Keen (Français) 2003 Canada Canada COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2003) Modified IUCN Data Deficient; Données insuffisantes
COSEWIC. 2003. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: More info
Eumetopias jubatus Schreber, 1776 Steller Sea Lion (English), Otarie de Steller (Français) 2003 Canada Canada COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2003) Modified IUCN Special Concern; Préoccupante
COSEWIC. 2003. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: More info
Balaenoptera borealis Lesson, 1828 Sei Whale (English), Rorqual boréal (Français) 2003 Canada Canada COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2003) Modified IUCN Endangered; En voie de disparition
COSEWIC. 2003. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: More info
Barbastella leucomelas (Cretzschmar, 1830) Eastern Barbastelle 2002 Afghanistan Afghanistan Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report IUCN Not Evaluated
Molur, S., G. Marimuthu, C. Srinivasulu, S. Mistry, A.M. Hutson, P.J.J. Bates, S. Walker, K. Padma Priya and A.R. Binu Priya, editors. 2002. Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report. Zoo Outreach Organisation, CBSG South Asia and WILD, Coimbatore, India. More info
Eptesicus nasutus (Dobson, 1877) Sind Serotine Bat 2002 Afghanistan Afghanistan Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report IUCN Not Evaluated
Molur, S., G. Marimuthu, C. Srinivasulu, S. Mistry, A.M. Hutson, P.J.J. Bates, S. Walker, K. Padma Priya and A.R. Binu Priya, editors. 2002. Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report. Zoo Outreach Organisation, CBSG South Asia and WILD, Coimbatore, India. More info
Eptesicus gobiensis Bobrinskii, 1926 Bobrinskii's serotine 2002 Afghanistan Afghanistan Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report IUCN Not Evaluated
Molur, S., G. Marimuthu, C. Srinivasulu, S. Mistry, A.M. Hutson, P.J.J. Bates, S. Walker, K. Padma Priya and A.R. Binu Priya, editors. 2002. Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report. Zoo Outreach Organisation, CBSG South Asia and WILD, Coimbatore, India. More info
Eptesicus bottae (Peters, 1869) Botta's Serotine 2002 Afghanistan Afghanistan Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report IUCN Not Evaluated
Molur, S., G. Marimuthu, C. Srinivasulu, S. Mistry, A.M. Hutson, P.J.J. Bates, S. Walker, K. Padma Priya and A.R. Binu Priya, editors. 2002. Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report. Zoo Outreach Organisation, CBSG South Asia and WILD, Coimbatore, India. More info