Pristurus carteri | UAE National Red List of Herpetofauna: Amphibians & Terrestrial Reptiles, Sea Snakes & Marine Turtles
Asessment status in full
Critically endangered
Assessment status abreviation
Assessment status criteria
Assessment rationale/justification
Within the United Arab Emirates, this species is only known from a single location in the gravel outwash of Wadi Agran near Al Ain, eastern UAE. The species is assessed as Endangered (EN B1ab(iii,v)c(iv)+2ab(iii,v)c(iv)) due to its very restricted extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) within the United Arab Emirates, which are restricted to a single known location, which is divided by the Oman and UAE border. On either side of the country borders, the habitat of this most northerly population of the species is under threat due to gravel extraction, construction, overgrazing and farms. This UAE national assessment is upgraded by one category to CR (B1ab(iii,v)c(iv)+2ab(iii,v)c(iv)) because it is a sink population supported by the adjacent population in Oman.
Assessment year
Assessors/contributors/reviewers listed
UAE National Red List Workshop
Affliation of assessor(s)/contributors/reviewers listed on assessment
Assessor affiliation specific
Criteria system specifics
IUCN v3.1 + Regional Guidelines v4.0
Criteria system used
Criteria Citation
IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1, Second edition. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. iv + 32pp pp. And IUCN. 2012. Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels: Version 4.0. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iii + 41pp.
Endemic to region
Not assigned
Endemism Notes
Is an endemic?: Not_assigned
Threats listed in assessment
This species is threatened by habitat loss and degradation resulting from gravel extraction, construction, over-grazing and farms, as well as vehicle tracks.
Conservation Measures
Conservation measures:
Conservation measures notes:
Required conservation measures: