Cleome brachycarpa | UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants
Asessment status in full
Least Concern
Assessment status abreviation
Assessment rationale/justification
This species is widespread in the UAE, primarily along coastal areas. Whilst subpopulations will have undergone a significant decline as a result of coastal development, it is thought that the species still qualifies as Least Concern.
Assessment year
Assessors/contributors/reviewers listed
UAE National Red List Workshop
Affliation of assessor(s)/contributors/reviewers listed on assessment
Assessor affiliation specific
Criteria system specifics
IUCN v3.1 + Regional Guidelines v4.0
Criteria system used
Criteria Citation
IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1, Second edition. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. iv + 32pp pp. And IUCN. 2012. Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels: Version 4.0. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iii + 41pp.
Endemic to region
Not assigned
Endemism Notes
Is an endemic?: Not_assigned
Threats listed in assessment
The species is likely to have been impacted by coastal development.
Conservation Measures
Conservation measures:
Conservation measures notes:
Required conservation measures: