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NRLD - 329866 | Carcharhinus longimanus

Assessment ID
Taxon name
Carcharhinus longimanus
(Poey, 1861)
Uploaded by
National Red List Database
Taxonomic information
Scientific name
Carcharhinus longimanus
(Poey, 1861)
Assessed taxon level
Higher level taxonomic groupings
Species authority
(Poey, 1861)
Location and scope
Specific locality or subnational name or regional name
United Arab Emirates (the)
Scope (of the Assessment)
Countries included within the scope of the assessment
United Arab Emirates (the)
Country ISO code(s)
Does the assessment cover a marine EEZ area(s)?
Conservation Status
Assessed as
Data Deficient
Abbreviated status
Criteria system used

(see Assessment details)

Assessment rationale/justification
In UAE waters, the Oceanic Whitetip Shark may occur only in offshore waters of the Sea of Oman, though this remains unconfirmed. Only a single record of the species was taken for Oman from extensive landing site surveys and it is not known if that individual was caught from the Sea of Oman. This formerly abundant large oceanic shark is subject to fishing pressure virtually throughout its range. It is frequently caught as a bycatch in pelagic fisheries. While there is limited species-specific information available, its large size, valuable fins and intensive fisheries mean that, like many other large carcharhinids, it has certainly declined. Capture of this species is totally banned in the UAE. Little is known on the population of this species in UAE waters, including the impact from the likely major threat of overexploitation. Given that its distribution in UAE waters (the Sea of Oman) remains uncertain, this species is listed as Data Deficient.
Assessment details
Year assessed
Assessors/contributors/reviewers listed
UAE National Red List Workshop
Criteria system used
Reference for methods given
IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1, Second edition. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. iv + 32pp pp. And IUCN. 2012. Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels: Version 4.0. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iii + 41pp.
Further information
Endemism (according to assessment)
Endemic to region
Not assigned
Taxon distribution as listed in assessment
The Oceanic Whitetip Shark may occur in UAE waters on the Sea of Oman coast, but has not been confirmed there. It is excluded from the Arabian Gulf. Globally, it is one of the most widespread of pelagic shark species, ranging across entire oceans in tropical and subtropical waters, usually found far offshore between about 30'°N and 35'°S in all oceans (Last and Stevens 2009).
Is there a map available in assessment?
Habitat and systems
Ecological system type
Habitat details as listed in assessment
The Oceanic Whitetip is one of the most widespread sharks, ranging across entire oceans in tropical and subtropical waters. It is an oceanic-epipelagic shark, usually found far offshore in the open sea in waters 230 m deep, between about 30'°N and 35'°S in all oceans; it is normally found in surface waters, although it has been recorded to 1082 m (Weigmann 2016). It has occasionally been recorded inshore, but is more typically found offshore or around oceanic islands and areas with narrow continental shelves (Compagno et al. 2005, Last and Stevens 1994). Temperatures of waters in which it regularly occurs are 18 to 28'°C, with water above 20'°C preferred.The Oceanic Whitetip Shark attains a maximum size of 400 cm total length (TL) (Stevens 1984, Seki et al. 1998). Males mature at about 168 to 198 cm TL and females at 170 to 200 cm TL (Seki et al. 1998). This species is born at about 57 to 77 cm TL after a gestation period of about 10 to 12 months (Compagno et al. 2005), with 15 foetuses recorded from a female of 245 cm TL from the Red Sea (Gohar and Mazure 1964) and larger females appear to carry more young, although there may be regional variation (Bass et al. 1973). Development is viviparous and embryos have a yolk sac placenta that attaches to the uterine wall of the mother (Bigelow and Schroeder 1948). Seki et al. (1998) studied the age, growth and reproduction of the Oceanic Whitetip Shark in the north Pacific. Both male and female Oceanic Whitetip Sharks matured at 4 to 5 years of age. In the western North Pacific, the size and age at first maturity was 190-193.4 cm TL and 8-5-8.8 years for females and 172-194.4 cm TL and 6.8-8.9 years for males (Joung et al. 2016). Smith et al. (1998) investigated the intrinsic rebound potential of Pacific sharks and found that oceanic whitetips to be among a moderate rebound potential, because of their relatively fast growth and early maturation. The species is estimated from a lifetable model created based on the WCPFC stock assessment to have a generation length of 16.4 years (M. J. Juan Jordá unpubl. data - based on the WCPFC stock assessment).
Threats and conservation measures listed
Threats listed in assessment
In the UAE, sharks are impacted by both targeted and bycatch fisheries (Annual Fisheries Statistical Report for Abu Dhabi Emirate 2001-2018) though catch data are not species specific. Marine habitats in the region have experienced high levels of disturbance and are quickly deteriorating due to major impacts from development activities (Sheppard <em style=""font-variant-ligatures: normal;font-variant-caps: normal;orphans: 2; text-align:start;widows: 2;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;word-spacing:0px"">et al. 2010).
Ralph, G.M., Stump, E., Linardich, C., Bullock, R.W., Carpenter, K.E., Allen D.J., Hilton-Taylor, C., Al Mheiri, R., and Alshamsi, O. 2021. UAE National Red List of Marine Species: Reef-building corals, cartilaginous fishes and select bony fishes. 2021. Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.