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Found 459 assessments.
Species or taxon Common Names Year Assessed Countries Publication Criteria system More info
Microparacaryum intermedium | (Fresen.) Hilger & Podl. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Minuartia meyeri | (Boiss.) Bornm. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Misopates orontium | (L.) Raf. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Moltkiopsis ciliata | (Forssk.) I.M.Johnst. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Monsonia heliotropioides | (Cav.) Boiss. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Monsonia nivea | (Decne.) Decne. ex Webb 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Morettia canescens | Boiss. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Morettia parviflora | Boiss. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Moringa peregrina | (Forssk.) Fiori 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Nanorrhinum hastatum | (R.Br. ex Benth.) Ghebr. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Nanorrhinum ramosissimum | (Wall.) Betsche 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Nerium oleander | L. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Neurada procumbens | L. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Notoceras bicorne | (Aiton) Amo 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Ochradenus arabicus | Chaudhary, Hillc. & A.G.Mill. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Ochradenus baccatus | Delile 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Ochradiscus aucheri | (Boiss.) S.Blanco & C.E.Wetzel 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Ogastemma pusillum | (Coss. & Durieu ex Bonnet & Barratte) Brummitt 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Olea europaea | L. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Vulnerable
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Oligomeris linifolia | (Vahl ex Hornem.) J.F.Macbr. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Ononis reclinata | L. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Ononis serrata | Forssk. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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Ononis sicula | Guss. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Orobanche aegyptiaca | Pers. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Data Deficient
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Orobanche cernua | Loefl. 2019 United Arab Emirates UAE National Red List of Vascular Plants IUCN Least Concern
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