Please note, this National Red List website contains a subset of data whilst we transition to national focal point driven data uploads. We thank you for your patience with this and welcome national contributors to get in touch to update their national dataset. Terms of Use including citation guidance are found here.

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Displaying 71 - 80 of 91
Title Publication Year Sort ascending Broad taxonomic groups Citation Scope Full taxa coverage Countries (ISO) Locality Language Publication ID
Rote Liste gefährdeter Säugetiere (Mammalia) Bayerns 2003 Mammals Liegl et al. (2003) Rote Liste gefährdeter Säugetiere (Mammalia) Bayerns. Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU), München, Germany Subnational No Germany Germany (Bavaria/Bayern) German 49013
COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2003) 2003 Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mushrooms etc, Lichens, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Insects, Molluscs, Mammals, Multi-taxa, Green Algae, Mosses, Red Algae, Reptiles, Ferns and Allies, Flowering Plants, Gymnosperms COSEWIC. 2003. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: National No Canada Canada English, French 50706
Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report 2002 Mammals Molur, S., G. Marimuthu, C. Srinivasulu, S. Mistry, A.M. Hutson, P.J.J. Bates, S. Walker, K. Padma Priya and A.R. Binu Priya, editors. 2002. Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report. Zoo Outreach Organisation, CBSG South Asia and WILD, Coimbatore, India. Regional (multi-national) No Nepal, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines (the), Singapore South Asia English 44475
Czerwona lista zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce 2002 Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Insects, Molluscs, Mammals, Multi-taxa, Reptiles Głowaciński, Z., Makomaska-Juchiewicz, M., Połczyńska-Konior, G. (eds.) 2002. Czerwona lista zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce. Red List of Threatened Animals in Poland. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków. National No Poland Poland Polish 46153
COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2002) 2002 Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mushrooms etc, Lichens, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Insects, Molluscs, Mammals, Multi-taxa, Green Algae, Mosses, Red Algae, Reptiles, Ferns and Allies, Flowering Plants, Gymnosperms COSEWIC. 2002. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: National No Canada Canada English, French 50683
Suomen lajien uhanalaisuus 2000 2001 Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mushrooms etc, Lichens, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Insects, Molluscs, Mammals, Multi-taxa, Green Algae, Mosses, Red Algae, Reptiles, Ferns and Allies, Flowering Plants, Gymnosperms Rassi, P., A. Alanen, T. Kanerva, and I. Mannerkoski, editors. 2001. The Red List of Finnish Species. Ministry of the Environment & Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki. 432 pages. (English Summary) National No Finland Finland Finnish, English 45686
COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2001) 2001 Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mushrooms etc, Lichens, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Insects, Molluscs, Mammals, Multi-taxa, Green Algae, Mosses, Red Algae, Reptiles, Ferns and Allies, Flowering Plants, Gymnosperms COSEWIC. 2001. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: National No Canada Canada English, French 50664
Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina 2000 Mammals Diaz, G.B. and R.A. Ojeda, editors. 2000. Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina. Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos, SAREM. 106 pp. National No Argentina Argentina Spanish 44297
Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina 2000 Mammals Diaz, G.B. and R.A. Ojeda, editors. 2000. Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina. Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos, SAREM. 106 pp. National No Argentina Argentina Spanish 49063
COSEWIC- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2000) 2000 Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Mushrooms etc, Lichens, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Insects, Molluscs, Mammals, Multi-taxa, Green Algae, Mosses, Red Algae, Reptiles, Ferns and Allies, Flowering Plants, Gymnosperms COSEWIC. 2000. Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Web site: National No Canada Canada English, French 50639