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Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina

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Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos (SAREM)
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Reference and Website
Diaz, G.B. and R.A. Ojeda, editors. 2000. Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina. Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos, SAREM. 106 pp.

Assessments within the NRLD

Species or Taxon Common Names Taxonomic Group Year Assessed Countries Criteria system Status More info
Ctenomys opimus Wagner, 1848 tuco-tuco tojo Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpm
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Ctenomys porteousi Thomas, 1916 tuco-tuco acanelado Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpm
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Ctenomys haigi Thomas, 1917 tuco-tuco patagónico Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpv
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Ctenomys knighti Thomas, 1919 tuco-tuco catamarqueno Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpv
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Ctenomys latro Thomas, 1918 tuco-tuco Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpv
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Ctenomys magellanicus Bennett, 1836 tuco-tuco magellánico Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpm
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Ctenomys maulinus Philippi, 1872 tuco-tuco Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpm
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Ctenomys colburni J. A. Allen, 1903 tuco-tuco ventriblanco Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN Endangered (En Peligro)
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Ctenomys conoveri Osgood, 1946 tuco-tuco Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpv
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Ctenomys emilianus Thomas and St. Leger, 1926 tuco-tuco de las dunas Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN Vulnerable
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Ctenomys frater Thomas, 1902 tuco-tuco colorado Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpv
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Ctenomys fulvus Philippi, 1860 tuco-tuco coludo Mammals 2000 Argentina IUCN RBpm
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